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The Biography of Edric Baker now available!

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Call Me Brother is the biography of Edric Baker, the ground-breaking doctor who pioneered a model of healthcare for the poor in rural Bangladesh.


Over 35 years he established and grew the Kailakuri Healthcare Project to a team of 90 staff – most without formal qualifications – who serve 28,000 patients per year. Their system for treating diabetes is among the cheapest in the world.


Edric lived in extreme simplicity, inspired by his Christian faith to embrace the simple lifestyle of those around him. He was known as ‘Doctor Bhai’, meaning ‘Doctor Brother’.


This book traces Edric’s remarkable story from peaceful New Zealand to wartime Vietnam and imprisonment by the Viet Cong, to Kailakuri in Bangladesh.

E-books are available from Amazon (Kindle/mobi) and Mebooks (epub).


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New Zealand. The price for one book delivered is $31.40 (urban) or $36.20 (rural delivery).

For two or more books the price is $29.00 per book (urban) or $31.00 per book (rural delivery).

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If you would prefer not to pay using POLi, please contact Stuart Lynch ( for instructions on how to order and pay by direct bank transfer.

All profit from book sales will go to the Kailakuri Healthcare Project, providing lifesaving care for this community. Translation of the book into Bangla is under way.















Reader Reviews

“Edric was innovative, ground-breaking and years ahead of his time. He trained local people to become skilled health workers; he was treating conditions for a fraction of the cost of other large medical institutions and he was treating diabetes in a remote rural place at a time when almost no one was doing that. ... He inspires me ... he committed to the people and place he loved for 35 years, living among them in the way they knew – in a small iron-roofed house without running water or electricity. It’s such a great example to try and live up to. Read this book, you’ll be a better person, it’ll change your life."

Doctor Nicolas Laing, Founder of OneDay Health in Uganda


“Driven by one simple idea: that healthcare should be available for every person, rich or poor, this is the inspiring story of Kiwi hero, Edric Baker, who was captivated by the vision of Jesus to bring good news and healing to the marginalised. Today, more than ever, we need authentic examples of what it looks like to serve cross-culturally. Read this and be inspired!“

Craig Greenfield, founder of Alongsiders International and author of Subversive Jesus (


“Often missionary biographies are located in the distant past. What a joy to read the biography of someone who I’d prayed for through the NZCMS prayer publications… someone celebrated as ‘New Zealand’s Mother Teresa.’ While he received awards, my sense is this is not what drove him. His heart’s desire and life’s work was to follow the footsteps of Jesus, who humbled himself and made himself nothing to fulfil his mission on earth. … As I read this biography, I was inspired by this unique follower of Jesus who so impacted others. ... May this book be a blessing to you, and inspire radical commitment.”

Rosie Fyfe, National Director, New Zealand Church Missionary Society


“From the moment I met Edric Baker I was so impressed and inspired by his story. On my next trip to Bangladesh I visited Kailakuri and was simply blown away by his project. I have had the pleasure of making many subsequent visits and I remain a passionate supporter of his wonderful work for my people.”

Ataur Rahman, Honorary Consul for Bangladesh in New Zealand


Kailakuri Health Care Project's philosophy is "health for the poor, by the poor". Kailakuri is managed and operated by local staff who grew up in the surrounding villages. The project was founded and directed by New Zealander Dr Edric Baker, until he passed away on 1st September 2015. The project has approximately 79 staff , many of whom Dr Baker trained over a number of years, enabling the project to continue running smoothly after his death. All staff take part in weekly training sessions, run by the senior paramedics. There are two full-time Bangladeshi registered doctors, and two-monthly rotating internee doctors from Gonoshashtaya Kendra Medical College and Hospital. In early 2018 the project was joined by Drs Jason and Merindy Morgensen,  from the United States. It is a project of Dr Baker's Organisation for Well-Being, an independent NGO registered with the Bangladeshi NGO Bureau and approved to receive foreign funds and volunteers. 




Kailakuri Health Care Project 

P.O. Hagurakuri 


Tangail 1996 



Pijon Nongmin

(Executive Director) 

+88 01716557590

Sujit Rangsa

(Medical Co-ordinator) 

Nur Amin Roton

*Contact Person*

(Monitoring & Evaluation Officer)

+88 01757716596

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